Youth Hub

Youth Hub Opened 

Our new purpose-built Youth Hub on Workshop Street was officially opened in October 2019 by the Minister for Indigenous Australians the Hon Ken Wyatt AM MP.

The facility aims to help disengaged and at-risk youth and families aged 15-25 and includes a community kitchen, laundry facilities and bathrooms as well as counselling rooms, study areas and ‘chill out’ spaces. Attending the opening Minister Wyatt said he hoped The Hub would have a positive effect on the community.

“This great facility is a safe-space for young people to meet up and connect with each other and access support services that promote wellbeing, resilience and responsibility,” he said.

“It is a place that shows young people facing challenges in Yarrabah that they don’t need to do so alone.

“The whole community is lifted when its' youth have a bright future and Yarrabah is doing great things to provide the best opportunities for the next generation,” Minister Wyatt said.

Paul Neal, a Gurriny youth coordinator said that it has been exciting to see the number of Yarrabah youth visit the Hub.

“We’re keen to support these young people in whatever way we can and having somewhere to meet, to enjoy a meal and a laugh is already encouraging positive peer-to-peer exchanges, which is building awareness about the importance of health checks as well as confidence - and that has to be encouraged.”

Gurriny acknowledges that an important part of comprehensive primary health care is early

detection and early prevention, particularly with young people. The Hub fits within Yarrabah’s strategic plan which includes investing in young people and addressing their challenges in community.

Funds for the Youth Hub were awarded from Minister Wyatt’s department when he was previously Minister for Aboriginal Health and Aged Care.