Family Healing & Wellbeing Services

The Family Healing Service is based at Workshop Street. Our team are here to support individuals, families and communities with their wellbeing and mental health. 

The Family Healing team work closely with Gurriny doctors and other Gurriny staff to ensure an easy referral pathway for community member to access our service.

Staff are highly qualified which include mental health accredited social workers, mental health psychologists, mental health nurse and, Intake Officer/ counsellor and Community Engagement Workers.   

Community members can self-refer or be referred by other Gurriny services or external services. Our service ensures strict confidentiality is in place for people attending our service at all times. 

Referral Form

The Download and print the Gurriny Yealamucka Health Services Referral Form


Referrals to all Wellbeing Services can be made by individuals, families or through other services. 

The Family Wellbeing program is program for children and families.

The service is staffed by a Team Leader and two  Wellbeing Workers.