Integrated Team Care (ITC)
The Integrated Team Care (ITC) Program has been operating at Gurriny since July 2016 and is currently being facilitated by a Registered Nurse and an Indigenous Health Worker.
The Program aims to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to better understand and manage their chronic health conditions and to have better access to a range of health care services, community services and health care aids.
How to Qualify/Access this service
1. The client must be a registered PIP client with Gurriny and have a chronic condition.
2. The client is required to have a Health Check and a Care Plan from the GP.
3. Where the clients’ needs are complex or they require a medical aid to assist with the management of their condition, the GP will refer them to the Program.
4. Clients will need to sign a consent to participate in the program.
The program staff assist clients to attend and manage appointments, to access specialist or allied health services, which may not be provided in the community or easily accessible in the community, advocate for clients and assist clients to obtain ‘approved’ medical aids. Program staff also provide some clinical work within the community such as wound care and medication administration.
The ITC Program has had some great successes with clients who have taken ownership of their health needs and are self-managing their condition. Some of these clients are no longer reliant on our Program.